Just like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe promised in 2020 that they’d be back…
And they are! HUZZAH!
Although things are gonna be a little different this year, with live online, on-demand and in-person shows taking place all over the city and beyond!
So, in honour of this, at The Arts Business, we are planning on giving you August with a twist!
Don’t worry, we’ll still be providing you with great content and articles, with case studies and positive reviews of different companies, artists and comedians who have battled through the storm of covid and made it to Scotland for the month of August… they’ll just be loads more of it!
We’ll be looking at:
- How performers have adapted their shows, rehearsals, exhibitions and events to meet corona safety standards.
- Any great marketing campaigns whether online or in print which should inspire your companies going forward.
- Any great business ideas from creatives including any gaps in the industry that have been filled over the last few years and any new innovations and experimentation in events!
- The future of the industry… is it going to change forever? Could this be the start of something new?
- Promoting as many artists as possible throughout the month of August! Their bravery needs to be commended for participating in one of the biggest festivals in the world at a time of such great uncertainty.
So, stay tuned for what is always the best month of the year… I CAN’T WAIT!!!
Could this be you or your company!? Please get in touch! We would love to hear from you/talk to you/promote you/come and see your show! Just drop us a comment below, get in touch with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or TikTok and let us know what makes you special or drop us an email at info@theartsbusiness.com.