Posted Leave a commentPosted in Administration, App of the Month, Branding
Name Grammarly
Product Description Proofread from home with ease and improve your content to make your writing clear and effective!
Availability Available on Chrome, macOS, Microsoft Word and your phone. Learn More in the Grammarly app store.
Key Features ·       Make sure your writing is accurate, clear and concise with Grammarly’s AI writing assistant.

·       Pick a theme to easily convey the tone and brand voice of your business.

·       Link Grammarly with all your favourite sites including Gmail, Outlook, Messenger, Google Docs, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

·       Adapt the settings of Grammarly specifically for your business, for example, changing automatically changing ‘the arts business’ to The Arts Business.

·       Share your account with up to 50 people across your company safely and easily.

Prices and Plans Free! For all of your correction and proofreading needs! Grammarly Premium is available from $12.50 per month.
Biggest Pro It’s great at picking up all your grammatical errors and spelling mistakes that MS Word doesn’t always pick up on.
Biggest Con The adverts for its premium services, but they are easy to put up with when you’re getting this awesome service for free!

We all know when you have to proofread alone it can get tiring and it’s easy to miss things so just run it through Grammarly and you’ll catch all those sneaky typos.

APP OF THE MONTH: Inside Theatre

Posted Leave a commentPosted in App of the Month, Education, Theatre
Name Inside Theatre with funding from Innovate UK
Product Description Set to replace the traditional programme or playbill Inside Theatre has created an environmentally friendly and educational app where the possibilities are endless. And this is only Step One!
Availability Available from the Apple App Store.
Key Features ·       Develop your own magical fairy avatar with different outfit choices, patterns, textures and wing shapes and sizes.

·       Design your set in 3D adding set pieces like mushrooms, steps and platforms. Scale, rotate and pattern your set pieces to make them completely unique.

·       Create your own theatre lighting from a central bar, sidelights and face lights, change the colour and intensity of your LX to generate whatever mood best suits your costume and set design.

·       Select the perfect soundscape to complete your show choosing from Traditional, Magical, Modern and Natural.

·       Watch your performance in your living room through the amazing power of AR with a real actor recorded through motion capture playing Bottom!

·       Eventually, you will be able to interact with a theatre show before, during and after with loads of specialist content and interactive activities. This is just the first step: the before, learning about A Digital Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Prices and Plans The bargain price £1.99 and worth every penny! A great way to support the arts and keep yourself entertained during the next inevitable lockdown. And, if you’re a drama teacher it is a very reasonable price for a few lessons worth of activity!
Biggest Pro It covers all aspects of technical production to allow for a proper understanding of how theatre works, the only thing it’s missing is the stage manager 😉
Biggest Con It’s only new, so it’s a little slow and glitchy, but bear with it. Inside Theatre is set to get bigger and better and you could be there when it all began.


If you’re a live theatre lover who is desperately missing going to performances during this pandemic this is the next best thing! And keep your eyes peeled on Inside Theatre, we can expect some great things from these folks in the very near future.

APP OF THE MONTH: PhotoShop Camera

Posted Leave a commentPosted in App of the Month, Blogs, Social Media
Name Adobe Photoshop Camera
Product Description Take the perfect picture! Look like you’ve spent hours editing your images in Photoshop by just picking an awesome filter, then show it off on your Social Media.
Availability Available from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Key Features ·       Loads of free filters with new ones uploaded every week. Whether you’re looking for Studio style lighting, enhanced sky in your landscapes or a detailed night time lens there’s something for everyone.

·       Photos are edited automatically so that you get professional shots with every photo you take.

·       Influencer designed lenses so you can create content just like that of your favourite Instagram celebrity.

·       Awesome artistic lenses from Pop-Art to Sketch to transform your images to look like the work of a master painter.

·       Inbuilt AI looks at your content and suggests filters to you, automatically applying the effects you need to make your photos look awesome with minimal effort.

·       Portrait controls for the perfect lighting and appearance! When taking group shots the built in AI recognises people as the subject so as not to distort images.

Prices and Plans Completely free! Which for an Adobe product is fantastic… hopefully a vision of things to come.
Biggest Pro The huge number of filters is bound to get your creative juices flowing.
Biggest Con It’s pretty basic, you’ll wanna stick to SnapChat for your selfie filters, but it’ll really enhance your other content.


So, not only can you spend hours of your currently monotonous locked in lifestyle scrolling through filters but you can make your social look sick!

Do you use Photoshop Camera to pimp up your Instagram? Share your pictures with us on Instagram @TheArtzBiz

We’d love to see them!


Posted Leave a commentPosted in App of the Month, Digital Marketing, Social Media

In lockdown it is crazy easy to go off on major tangents instead of actually doing any work, so help curb your urges with our App of the Month.

Name Facebook Pages Manager
Product Description No more getting distracted by your wall, get straight down to business with all your Facebook Business Pages in one place.
Availability Available from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Key Features ·       Manage your page comments, posts and messages from one place without getting diverted by all that tempting clickbait on your feed.

·       Keep track of your Insights (Facebook Analytics) so you know what activity is performing well and what you need to work on.

·       Sync your Instagram account to manage all your messages together in a single platform.

·       Get your Facebook Advertising set up to achieve your company goals whether boosting existing posts or creating new content.

·       Schedule Events and Appointments and publicise available jobs through one easy app.

Prices and Plans It’s completely free! (Until you start purchasing Facebook Ads.)
Biggest Pro It’s simplicity! When working on your business pages it is so easy to get lost in your feed if you log on from your browser or the Facebook App, (we’ve all been there, just one more video…) now you can avoid the urge and get directly to the point.
Biggest Con Unlike online you can’t view your page as a customer, basically just as your personal profile, so you can see what it looks like from a visitor’s perspective. It’s being updated all the time though, so watch this space.


So, get to work with Facebook Pages Manager!

Instead of looking at all your photos ever, since 2007.