Set SMART Edinburgh Fringe Objectives

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Business Skills, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Start Ups

All businesses in the creative industries need objectives.  These are, simply stated, stuff your business wants to achieve.


They’re generally pretty straightforward especially considering most artistic organisations have existing mission statements, visions and values in place to adhere to.


But when coming up with your objectives it’s important to think SMART:


Specific If you are too vague in your statements no one will know where to start.  Most of Edinburgh have the same objective to ‘Sell more tickets’, so instead think ‘Sell a minimum of 10 tickets per day’.  This makes your goals both clearer and more achievable.
Measurable You have to find some way to measure your outcomes so that you know if you have achieved them for example ‘Increase daily website views by 10%’ is a measurable goal whereas ‘improve website’ is not.
Agreeable Make sure everyone who is associated with the objective knows about it and supports it.  It is especially important at the fringe to keep everyone on the same page and ensure your team is on board with all decisions.  It improves team morale when the whole company is beating to the rhythm of the same drum.
Realistic Don’t be over ambitious.  If you are a first time, one-woman musician in a 10-seat venue you probably aren’t going to set a goal of an international stadium tour within a year.  It’s great to dream big but set achievable aims which motivate you to continue and make you feel great about your accomplishments.
Timely Set a time frame for your objectives otherwise they won’t be deemed as ‘urgent’ and will slip by the wayside.  If your objective is ‘Get 200 social media followers before the end of the festival’ your company has a common goal and will get to work on it straight away.



Once these are in place it is much easy to develop strategies!  Basically, once you know where you want to go, it is much easier to plan the route.


Share your objectives in the comments below!