Welcome to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019
Welcome to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019.
Welcome to the largest Arts Festival in the world.
Welcome to the Jungle!
With thousands of companies and tens of thousands of performances it is difficult to understand what works. How do you stand out from the crowd?
Well, NEVER FEAR! The Arts Business is here!
All this month we will be exploring different types of shows and how to sell them out, from flyering to Facebook, PR to TwitteR and ideas to Instagram.
Ready to make 2019 the best Edinburgh Fringe Festival yet?
Join us for the Ride as we embark on our first co-production: A Little R and R, with Show Up Productions.
We’d love to include you in our articles, so let us know if you have any unique marketing or business techniques you’re using to promote your show at: info@theartsbusiness.com or in the comments below!
After all! What is art without a little collaboration!
So get in touch! We can’t wait!